
The Queen, regardless of how well-meaning she is, is fighting a war without any clue how to win it. She knows how to raise moral in a hard time, but not how to control a kingdom at large. I can’t say if she will succeed in refining her leadership skills, but as the Dominion continue their reckless research and the Old Grabbit King’s forces ruthlessly killing us, we don’t have the time to wait.

If my sources are correct then this will give us time to push back these forces, at least for a little while, so we can recollect ourselves. I’m looking for Defenders and my previous associates to join me. I can’t do this alone, but I know we can help our loved ones if we shed our duties to the Kingdom, just for this moment, and achieve our goal of finding a way to protect this land together.


Progress report 3:
Week of 2/03/21 – 2/10/21

I knew you could do it! You probably spent too much time killing grabbits last time to help before, but you really stepped in.

Problem Is this: Because we’ve made strides, those sea lovers have ended up in the same spot as we did. Based on stolen intel we’ve gotten… this path leads to what we’ve been searching for. The tool needed to change the course of this war.

I need you to not get distracted and focus so we can win it, for us, the people of the kingdom.





Use Skill

You know how the Queen constantly supplied us with junk? Well, I was going to throw a complaint, but then I found some of them are useful. I mean, not for my style of fighting, but sometimes it’s useful in the sense that if I ever found myself going on an adventure without my ranger Javelin, maybe learning what the other gadgets do isn’t the worst idea.

If you see this? Then that means that you’re going to find yourself in that situation, but not in a hypothetical sense. Like, a “you need to do it, stop complaining” sense. That or convince a friend of yours who is good at it to do it.   

Kill a enemy using the required skill.


Kill Count

Someone is screaming “Kill all the grabbits!” and I can never tell if he’s talking about us or the king’s followers, but I sure do like putting the king’s followers in their places so yeah! Oh, and I guess you can kill other things too. Yeah.

Kill a certain amount of a speciifc enemy.

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Danger's Reach

The best thing in life is when you already know what to do in a situation so it can become a breeze. We’ve known each other for a while, so I know you can handle anything that comes up.

So, if you see this? Think of it as a warmup, taking on some so-called big shots and putting them in their place for warm up. Comes with the bonus of progressing forward, so I count that as a win.

Completing a specific activity

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First Mark

Also, I gave those whatever they’re named- how do you even pronounce their names? Whatever, I gave them a bunch of these too to through them off our track and masked it as “important intel”. Funny, right?

Find the location.


Time Trial


Seriously, some of our friends want a breather and want to do some races. You in?

Completing a trial with a gold medal.



The only thing better then beating defenders was proving we could do it in style. It worked well for morale, so I’ve been thinking. We got some things we need to get out of the way anyway, why not lift the spirits of those watching by showing them how it’s done?

Do some cool stuff, show them the power of us old anarchist veterans, and who knows? Maybe we can convince some defenders to join us once it’s all over. Though, come to think of it, I wonder if we’ll ever get to go back to the old times again…

Performing the required action as requested while showing off your freelancer skills.


Challenge of Soul

The civil War, the Last Stand, the trials, and the return of that damn King.

We’ve been through a lot. We’ve seen a lot. And we’ve grown together as a team over the years.

So when I see something that can send us straight into victory, I don’t care for the risks.

I don’t believe there is any, because we have people like you. We have our team. And I believe in us, I believe in the anarchsts, even the defenders, and I believe we can make a difference.

Take on this task for us and we can save the Kingdom and show the world the strength of our souls.

Complete the hard task for a shortcut!